Joe PreeceICF, International, Early Childhood Specialist
Joe Preece has 18 years experience in the Head Start/Early Head Start community. Mr. Preece worked in a local program for 8 years as a Family and Community Partnership Specialist and Infant and Toddler Specialist before moving into the Head Start Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) system. While in the TTA system, Mr. Preece has conducted numerous trainings around the country on a myriad of early childhood topics. Mr. Preece also served as chair of the 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 Birth to Three Institute national conferences while at the Early Head Start National Resource Center. Currently, Mr. Preece is an Early Childhood Specialist with ICF providing expert training and technical assistance to Head Start programs in West Virginia and Virginia. Mr. Preece has a Bachelors of Social Work and BA in Early Childhood Education from Concord University, a MS in Strategic Leadership from Mountain State University, and an ED.S in Educational Leadership from Liberty University.